Saturday, March 20, 2010

The name "Paudhonwala" for a blog

Deciding a title for a blog and finding it very much available just for you on the web can be a matter of constant frustration or vague luck. I have had the whole idea of a specifically pre-planned blog dropped entirely many a times. People are creative, people are too many. Names are not available. Coming up of a title in your head in the form of a sign from God to grabbing it on the web is next to a miracle. Lately I have been a lot into plants, seeds, manure and so on. So much that my brother in law calls me a kisaan (which in Hindi means 'farmer'), one of my girlfriends just called me paudhon waaley a couple of days back out of early morning affection one can say! Well, that's more or less, from where the title comes.

In this blog I am going to talk about whatever I grow, whatever I get killed by sun or water or insects or monsters or whatever. My aim is to discuss in full detail the stages of my plants and seedlings.

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